Honouring our Heavenly Father

Depending on your relationship with your father, Father’s Day may be an especially challenging day for you. For some, their father is a caring, doting parent who is active and engaged in their life. For others, their father is quite the opposite—absent, distant or estranged. For others, mention of their father stirs up deep-rooted anger or hurt from years of abuse or trauma. Then there are others who, on this day mourn the loss of their father who has passed away. Regardless of what kind of earthly dad you have or have had, we all have a father in heaven, God the Father, who is the spiritual father to all who believe and who is the picture of a good and perfect father to us.
And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty. II Corinthians 6:18
Fathers are called by God to be the head of their household, given a clear command from God to raise their children in the good and righteous ways of the Lord and to do so by leading by example. For so many, their father has fallen short of God’s expectation and even caused them great damage. But where our earthly fathers fail, our Heavenly Father doesn’t. He guides us toward the path of uprightness and delights in blessing us with His gifts. He forgives us when we disobey Him and lovingly disciplines us so that we may grow in goodness. He watches over us from above and protects us from harm and danger and when we’re hurt, He wraps us in His arms. But the most unfathomable quality about God the Father is that no matter how many times we reject Him, His love for us is so deep, so unconditional that there isn’t anything we could ever do to cause Him to love us any less. Day by day, He is gently calling us into relationship with Him because you are His child and you matter to Him.
Today as we honour our earthly fathers, may we also take the time to honour God the Father for being a good, good father to us. And if you’re in need of restoration from a broken relationship with your earthly father, run into His outstretched arms and give Him the pieces of your broken heart. He will willingly put the pieces back together again and hold you safely in His arms.
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