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Walking with Jesus

Learning to trust in the Lord

As hard as we may try, we simply can't control everything that happens to us or the events in the world around us. Most of us are aware of this and yet we often struggle with an urge to meticulously map out all the little details of our day or the big decisions of our life because we find reassurance and comfort in knowing what to expect. But we know that what we plan for ourselves rarely goes exactly as we planned or hoped. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with having a vision for yourself or planning out your time, we need to acknowledge that control is ultimately an illusion because we are not in control, God is. It is not our job to manage the circumstances of our life but we’re instructed to trust in the Lord with all our heart because He will show us the way.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

When we try to take control of something or even someone, we do not please God. While self-control is a fruit of the Spirit—that is having control over our own words, actions and behaviours—a need to control other people and the future outcomes of your life is not from God but from Satan. Unfortunately, many people today dangerously participate in witchcraft by doing voodoo to control or manipulate someone else while others consult fortune tellers, tarot cards and horoscopes to “predict” their future instead of turning to God who is the only One who knows the future. When we try to be in control, we erroneously shift our trust and focus away from God and lean on our own limited understanding or abilities that will ultimately mislead us and disappoint us. It is in those moments when we go our own way and our plans fail that we are reminded that we should have trusted in God.

The truth is that trying to be in control of everything is exhausting and it’s actually much easier to trust in the omniscient and omnipotent God who guarantees better results. At some point, we need to surrender our feeble attempts to control everything and everyone and learn to fall back on God’s sovereign care. Sometimes we need to give up our own idea of what we think we should do and accept God’s bigger and better plan for us. There are times where we’ll have to trust that God will work out the daily details and we should allow room in our day to hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to have His way in our daily life.

Are you having difficulty trusting God with all your heart today? Surrender whatever it is that you are trying so desperately to control and give it to Him. If you struggle with trusting in God with the big things in your life, start by trusting Him in the little things. Trust Him to get you through all the little challenges in your day and allow time to hear from the Holy Spirit and allow Him to move in your daily walk. As we take small acts of faith, we realize just how faithful He is and then we can start believing in Him for the bigger decisions in our lives. Stop striving in your own power and begin trusting in the Lord today.


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