A Christian devotional blog and online ministry for all daughters of King Jesus to be reminded, encouraged and refreshed by the messages of faith, hope and love woven throughout God's Word.

just a nobody trying to tell everybody all about the Somebody that saved my soul.
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My Testimony
Even though I’ve been a Christian for most of my life, God lit a fire under me when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the beginning of 2020. He personally revealed to me that He wanted more of me—more of my time, more of my energy and more of my heart. He wanted me to take His mandate more seriously, to share the good news of the Gospel and point others to Jesus. The truth is that before that humbling moment, I was really nothing more than a Sunday morning Christian, having faith in God but only going through the motions of religion. My relationship with God was a one-sided relationship. I wasn't putting God first every single day of my life nor was I intentionally spending time with Him in prayer and in His Word. God wanted to be front and center in my life. The slowing down of regular life due to the pandemic was actually a blessing for me because it eliminated all of my regular distractions and gave me the space and time to truly listen to God's voice and hear His purpose for my life.
One ordinary Sunday afternoon, I was listening to a sermon and that's when I heard a low but clear voice in my head, which I believe was God's voice telling me that it was time for me to do something more impactful with my life for His purpose. I was told to start a Christian devotional blog. I'm not proud of it but I totally had a Moses and the burning bush moment. I offered up every possible excuse to God for why I shouldn't do it: Why me? Aren't there others that are better qualified for this? What if I start and fail? What if no one wants to hear what I have to say? What if I say something that leads people astray? What if I'm looked at differently by my friends and family? What if? What if? What if? But just like God reassured Moses, He also reassured me with the same promise—that He will be with me every step of the way and that He will use me to do great and wonderful things in the lives of others in order to glorify His name. And that's how Daughter of the King was born.
Living in these dark Covidian times, I believe that now more than ever God is calling out to us, urging us to ready our hearts for His return. I realized that I've wasted far too much time focused on my own plans for my life instead of dedicating myself to God's good and perfect plans. I don't want to waste anymore time being complacent to the one thing that matters most to God—souls. Until the trumpet sounds and God takes His children to be with Him in heaven, there's still much work to be done to win souls for the Kingdom! I can't think of a better commission to be a part of and that's why I've dedicated myself to sharing the message of God's love and goodness to a world that desperately needs to hear it.