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By His Spirit

Relying on the power of the Holy Spirit

We are all guilty at times of placing too much trust in ourselves instead of trusting fully in God. While it’s true that there are some things that God graces us to do on our own, there are other times where we have come to the edge of our own limitations and we must trust in Him to make a way and do what only He can do. When we learn to lean on God and rely on His limitless power, we find that we can overcome every obstacle in front of us with surprising ease.

So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

Zechariah 4:6

The Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) is our divine Helper who enables us to do whatever we need to do that we simply cannot do on our own. He is our ultimate source of Godly wisdom, understanding, counsel, power and knowledge, and as believers, we have direct access to Him who lives inside of us. The Holy Spirit is always at work leading us to all truth and conveying God’s divine will and purpose for our lives. He often speaks to us in a still, small voice but if we’re not listening or do not recognize His voice, we can easily miss what He is saying to us. It is important to recognize that if God is calling us to do something, it requires our submission and obedience, but to our relief, we are not expected to do it on our own. We are asked to co-partner with Him.

We can only accomplish God’s will through reliance on His Spirit. We will never complete His assigned tasks for us if we do not approach it through faith by grace. Oftentimes, we can get so caught up with doing things in our own effort that we find ourselves getting frustrated at our situation. That’s because we have taken on more than what God has called us to and we’ve stopped fully trusting in Him as our power source.

God’s Word refers to us as “believers” because our job is to simply believe and obey and it's His job to produce the outcome. As hard as it is, we must acknowledge what is beyond our own capabilities and learn to submit the rest to Him. Once we have made the decision to trust in Him with the outcome, the rest is easy because it’s not reliant on our own power or strength but by the Spirit of the Lord Who is capable of doing beyond what we can ask, think or imagine. With the Holy Spirit empowering us, He makes mountains become molehills and gives us victory over our rivals.

Are you facing a difficult obstacle today? Remember that you cannot overcome the situation by determination alone—you need the Holy Spirit’s help. Unlike us, He has a continuous supply of power and resources available but He needs you to trust Him with the outcome. If you are feeling frustrated and overburdened, lay your burden at Jesus’ feet and watch what He will do. What needs to be done in our lives will not be done by our own might or power but by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit working in and through us.

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