Embrace your royal identity as a co-heir in Christ!

At an early age, we are often inundated with the concept of royalty. We read the fairy tales, watch the Disney movies and even obsess over the lives of the monarchy. Many of us dream of a life of wealth, fame, love, style and social influence that are so often associated with royalty. But what if there's a deeper reason why we yearn after a royal identity? What if I told you that you were meant to be a royal monarch? The Bible tells us that we are created by a great and holy king who wants nothing more than your devotion and to welcome you into His royal family. If you have surrendered your heart in allegiance to Jesus Christ, then you are a king's daughter—a real life princess! Better yet, you are a co-heir of an everlasting kingdom ruled by the most sovereign, loving, just and merciful king—the King of Kings!
There are many scriptures that emphasize our royal association to Christ, but one of my favourites is found in Psalm 45, which is the inspiration behind the name of the Daughter of the King blog. Here, the psalmist describes a magnificent royal wedding between a great and mighty king and his beautiful bride-to-be. It has become widely accepted that this psalm illustrates more than just a lavish royal wedding between an ordinary king and his queen—it's an ode to the magnificent love story between Christ (the bridegroom) and His beloved Church (the bride).
Listen, daughter, look and incline your ear:
Forget your people and your father’s house;
Then the King will crave your beauty.
Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him.
The daughter of Tyre will come with a gift;
The wealthy among the people will seek your favor.
The King’s daughter is all glorious within;
Her clothing is interwoven with gold.
She will be brought to the King in colorful garments;
The virgins, her companions who follow her,
Will be brought to You.
They will be brought with joy and rejoicing;
They will enter into the King’s palace.
Psalm 45:10-15
As the Church is represented by the princess bride in the psalm, we, the members of the Church, are called into relationship with Christ and crowned royal daughters in the Kingdom of God. Scripture so beautifully reminds us that in God's eyes, we are seen as beautiful, favoured and even glorious! Out of His great love for us, He delights in showering us with His blessings and adorning us with magnificent robes of splendor and righteousness.
Psalm 45 speaks to our glorified identity in Christ when we choose to make Him our Lord and Saviour. What a blessing and honour it is to be part of God's royal bloodline! Your royal title is not something you need to be born with, earn or even defend—it's bestowed upon you the moment you choose to serve Him and no one can take it away from you.
Do you live as though you are a daughter of the King? Sometimes it's easy to forget who we are in Christ when we become consumed with thoughts and feelings of self doubt that wrongly accuse us of being inadequate, unloved or unworthy. On your best days and on your worst days, remember whose daughter you are and rejoice! Be strong, be confident and be encouraged, daughter of the Most High. Walk in grace knowing that you are a beloved child of God!