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He Breaks Every Chain

True freedom comes from the Lord!

Recently, freedom has become a buzz word on the tongues of many in light of worldwide government-imposed restrictions due to the pandemic. Freedom can be described as the power or right to think, speak or act as you want without restraint. Many would agree that it’s one of our society’s most highly prized values and an innate desire we have as humans. But when we think about freedom, we often think about it in the context of our human rights, which have been negotiated and determined by our governments. We rarely think about freedom as one of God’s most amazing qualities. In reality, true freedom doesn’t come from political authorities but from God alone—it’s a God-given gift that came at a high cost.

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

In the first century, the Jewish people were eagerly awaiting the coming of their Messiah, who they believed would appear to them as a great and mighty warrior who would free the nation of Israel from its oppressive Roman occupation. Little did they know that their Messiah was Jesus and that He would provide a much greater freedom than that of political autonomy—He gave us eternal freedom from the curse of sin and death. The Fall of mankind was the beginning of a downward spiral of sin. In response, God provided His people with the Law of Moses, which outlined the rules by which they were to live by. One such law was the requirement of animal sacrifice as an atonement for sin but no matter how hard they tried, they could not live up to God’s perfect Law. Since the beginning of time, God had a plan to deliver His creation from their bondage to sin—He sent His perfect Son Jesus to be a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world and to become the fulfillment of The Mosaic Law for us.

It is through the blood of Jesus’ sacrifice that He paid the total cost of our sin and shame forever and in doing so, we are no longer a slave to our sins! He has broken the heavy chains of fear, worry, anxiety, guilt, torment, sickness and addiction once and for all! All he asks in return is that you repent of your sins and make Him your Lord and Saviour. Doing so does not mean you simply get a free pass to live however you want but it does give you an unexplainable joy and hope that no amount of oppression in this world can take away from you.

Today as we celebrate Canada Day, may we pray that God continues to keep our land glorious and free. May we reflect on the freedoms afforded to us as citizens of this great country but give the highest praise to the Lord for His everlasting freedom that only He can provide.

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