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He Gives Me Rest

Take comfort in God's peace.

Psalm 23 is perhaps the most beloved of all the Psalms and one of the most commonly quoted chapters of the whole Bible. If you’ve read it, it’s not hard to see why. David’s beautifully written words in this Psalm paint a picture of his confidence in the Lord to protect him and care for him. Over the ages, many have found comfort in these words but some may find it hard to believe that the 23rd Psalm was likely penned during the darkest hour of David’s life. Many Bible scholars believe that it was written during David’s kingship when he was betrayed by his son Absalom, who raised up an army against him to usurp David’s royal title. David fled from Jerusalem into the wilderness fearing for his life all the while feeling deeply heartbroken over his son’s rebellion against him. Yet it is in this moment of immense sorrow that David managed to find solace in God.

"He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul."
Psalm 23:2-3

There does exist a supernatural peace that only the Holy Spirit can provide. It’s a peaceful assuredness from within that is strengthened in times of trouble and surpasses all human understanding. This is the same kind of peace that David experiences in Psalm 23 that demonstrates that even in the midst of great fear or persecution, you can find rest knowing that God is with you, He is for you and that He will not forsake you in your time of need.

All of us have experienced times where we have come to the end of our rope and we’ve done everything possible in our own strength to overcome a challenge that we’re facing. In those moments, we must let go and let God and hand over our problems to Him in full confidence that He will help us get through it. When we rest in His peace, we are able to still our hearts, drown out all the noise around us and hear God’s still small voice speak to us, giving us comfort, strength and guidance. In doing so, God can restore our soul, produce new spiritual fruit and use you as a testimony of His amazing power and faithfulness.

God wants all of us to live victorious lives that rest in His unshakable peace. Are you in need of God’s peace in your life today? Are you wrestling with crippling fear, sorrow or a heavy burden? Call out to the Lord in prayer and ask Him renew your soul and give you His peace that will let you rest your head knowing that you’re in His more than capable hands.


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