Reaping plentifully for the Kingdom of God

As we begin to transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people find themselves burnt out and overwhelmed with pandemic fatigue. The last two years have been taxing on us all and for some, it has even led to a loss of hope. The Bible speaks of a time where Satan will attempt to wear out the saints to hinder them from doing good works for the Kingdom of God but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world! Fellow Christian, I know that you’re tired and weary right now but we must not allow the things happening to us or around us distract us from our God-given mission—to reap souls for the Kingdom of God. Do not grow tired of doing this good Kingdom work because the harvest is coming!
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9
In Chapter 6 of Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia, he emphasizes that we will reap what we sow in life. Many people generally believe in the spiritual principle of cause and effect—that if you do good deeds, good things will come to you and vice versa. While the God of the Bible is certainly a just God that rewards us for our good deeds and disciplines us when we stray from His will, the concept of sowing and reaping has a much deeper implication in relation to the great commission.
Before returning to heaven, Jesus commanded every born-again believer to continue the redemptive work that He started on earth by spreading the good news of the Gospel of grace. Like farmers, each of us is to plentifully sow the good seed of His Word to reap souls for the Kingdom of God. Our supportive role as God’s farmers is not to change the hearts of those around us but to open their eyes and point them to the truth that is Jesus Christ so that they may be saved and receive eternal life. As Christians, we’re expected to obediently sprinkle little seeds of faith and rely on God to produce the life-changing fruit.
While our salvation does not come by our own good works, it is out of our appreciation of God’s love and grace for us that we are compelled to care for the souls of the unsaved. When we operate in the power of the Holy Spirit, He will give us the strength we need to continue doing this important work, even though we’ll undoubtedly face rejection and persecution for it. However, God promises that those who sow sparingly will reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will reap bountifully so we must not stop evangelizing because our reward will be great in heaven and most importantly, our work will be pleasing in God’s sight.
Have you been sowing plentifully into the Kingdom of God? There is no time to waste! Just like the early Church members, we should not lose sight of the fact that Jesus will be returning soon and time is of the essence. We must take the work of saving souls seriously and act with a sense of urgency since we are not promised our next breath. Jesus famously said that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few and only those who are planted in Christ will escape an eternity of suffering in Hell.
As Christ followers, may we be so compelled by love for others that we care about their souls and continue to labour for the harvest. While life can get overwhelming, if you seek the Lord for strength, He will help you continue partnering with Him in doing His good work today. At the appointed time, we will see the fruits of our labour.